Lernow Skills Skills Council is registered by Government of India MCA ACT 2013 Sec 8 and registered with the Planning Commission of India which is governed by the Prime Minister of India
VERSITYNET is an autonomous community college, which is established for development of education under the guidelines of National Education Policy 1986, Govt. of India and programme of action 1992, Govt. of India.
Under Human Right Protection Act 1993 autonomous bodies have been given Special Consideration. (for further details refer air 1993 Sc 2178).
VERSITYNET is an Autonomous community college and all educational institutions are governed by the Rules framed by Government of India and each educational organization is having discretionary powers. According these powers every Institution/ Board / University / State Govts. / Central Government of India is having the liberty and right to take own decision either to allow or refuse any admission / service. But we give our best to promote the non-formal education programmes, which are autonomous education programmes of VERSITYNET . The Legality, Validity and Utility of our education programmes is in strict conformity with the constitution of India and law of the land under Article 19(1)G, 29 & 30.
According to the Ministry of Human Affairs. Govt. of India Notification No. 26/4/52 CC Dated. 20.09.1952 issued in consultation. with the union public service commission that in the case of Degree /Diploma awarded by Board/University in India which are incorporated by an act of central of Part B state legislature in India. No formal orders of recognition for such Degree/ Diploma needed to be issued by Government. Such Degree should be Recognized Automatically for the Purpose of employment.
VERSITYNET is an ISO: 9001-2008 Certified Council which functions under strict quality standards.ISO International Standards ensure that our products and services are safe, reliable and of good quality. They are strategic tools that reduce costs by minimizing waste and errors and increasing productivity.
Generally every educational enthusiast asks the question what is the constitutional validity and acceptance behind the operation of VERSITYNET and what sort of service or where admission can be obtained by students passing out from VERSITYNET?
The only clear answer to all such questions is that all Educational Boards / Universities are autonomous bodies. It is left to the discretion of University either to allow or refuse admission to a student from another University. In this way every State Government is at liberty whether to provide service to a person who has passed out from a particular University or Educational Board or not.
Regarding the question of recognition, VERSITYNET is one of the leading educational institutions of the country and its courses are similar to the courses offered by various Universities and Educational Boards. The successful students of this Council are serving in Private Organisations and gaining admissions in various Universities and Education Boards, they are achieving success in the field of livelihood. The VERSITYNET has been established under the compulsory and constitutional provisions of Indian Company Act 2013 Sec 8 .
VERSITYNET is not in receipt of any grant-in-aid either from the Government or from the UGC, so far. Therefore UGC Act is not applicable to the Council.
Viewed at from the fulfilment of provisions of the articles 14, 19(1), 21, 29, 30, 45, 46 344 & 351 of the Indian Constitution 1950, the work done by VERSITYNET is a valid one for appreciation. The concept of Distance Education originated from Berlin (Germany) in 1856. Afterwards, Russia granted recognition to distance education in the world. In this manner the idea of Open Universities was conceived by the British Prime Minister Mr. Harold Wilson in the year 1863 to provide an opportunity to persons who were otherwise denied opportunities to further their education and make their life successful. In 1969 under the Royal Charter an Open University was established the success of which was more far reaching than the traditional Universities. Under the new Education Policy 1986, the Government of India laid particular stress on Open Universities and Distance Education. VERSITYNET. is getting necessary direction and full co-operation from Educationists, Professors, Philanthropists, Social Workers, Corporate Managers of MNCs of our country. It is their unanimous opinion that VERSITYNET has given practical shape to the concept of British Prime Minister Harold Wilson by providing Open and Distance Education to the under privileged sections of students and encouraging students for learning in depth. Under Human Rights Protection Act, 1993, autonomous bodies like the VERSITYNET have been given special protection. For further details please see AIR 1993 SC 217B.